Free Legal Matter Management Systems and Software in Australia

Legal Matter Management: Defining Legal Matter Management and Legal Project Management

Legal Matter Management and Legal Project Management is nothing more than rationally supervising the process of;

  1. deploying resources 
  2. which have associated costs 
  3. against tasks 
  4. to accomplish specified objectives. 

Viewed this way, disputed matters, contract negotiations and transactions are simply types of projects, albeit sophisticated ones. Learn more about how project management can help make Corporate Legal Counsel Time and Expenses more predictable, transparent, and effective, including:

  • Why you need to focus on continually improving project management skills
  • Developing ways to more readily provide budget updates
  • Ensuring that lawyers are skilled at clarifying and communicating expectations and guiding the engagement process
  • Implementing processes to review performance at the end of a matter, assignment, or sooner, if need (“Lessons Learned”)
  • Applying the appropriate staffing model that provides the needed skills at an acceptable value. [...]

To see what we really mean by Legal Matter Management and Legal Project Management you can register for a free trial of nView legal matter managements and contract management software


Legal matters are expensive: Legal Matter Management and Legal Project Management will help somewhat, but not make it cheap

Outside legal counsels need to be realistic with corporate legal counsels when it comes to the cost of litigation or other legal issues. Corporate legal counsels may complain that outside counsels don't understand the pressures that they are under to cut legal costs from the corporate hierarchy.

Sometimes outside legal counsels need to frank with their clients and remind them that legal issues are expensive. However Matter Management Systems and Software as well as Contract Management Systems and Software can provide early assessments and ongoing management tools to manage and reduce costs and risk. [...]

To see what we really mean by Free Legal Matter Management and Free Legal Project Management you can register for a free trial of nView legal matter managements and contract management software


Key to Legal Matter Management and Legal Project Management is to have a process for rigorous "early case assessment"

Legal Counsels that establish procedures for creating early matter and case assessment documents are working in the right direction for implementing Legal Matter and Project Management processes. The early case assessment document should be initiated within the first 45 days of the matter, and should be viewed as a 'living document' that will change over the life of the matter.

Corporate Legal Counsels shouldn’t even talk with outside counsel unless they presented have been presented with an early matter or case assessment document that explained how the firm was going to handle this matter, and what the lawyers anticipated were going to be the overall goals and objectives for this matter over time. [...]

To see what we really mean by Free Legal Matter Management and Free Legal Project Management you can register for a free trial of nView legal matter managements and contract management software

Where is the Real Value in Contract Management Systems and Software in Australia? :
A Contract Management System Users Perspective

The real “value” in contract management software is in improving effectiveness and usability of contracts – something many contract management software vendors do not focus on; also, most software to date has not been “user friendly” and has needed expensive customization once implemented.

In general there’s no argument that big, expensive solutions have fallen short –a high price tag and ongoing “integration” work will do that. We think it’s only fair to point out that nView Contract Management has a far lower price point than many of its competitors – and was always designed with the user in mind. The focus on usability, however, was no accident as iDev nView recognised early on that contract management software should be accessible to many types of business users with many different needs.

We know from our customer base that contract management software can be used for a wide range of uses: a bank may use it to help manage third-party vendors for compliance purposes; a pharmaceutical company may simply want to have access to all their intellectual property agreements; a company with many facilities spread over several states will want to centralise all facilities vendor records in one place to ensure consistent levels of service among a diverse range of supplies.

Then add to this function complexity the nature of contracts in any company – which can be complex too. Not all client or vendor relationships are written in stone and few stay in stone. There are statements of work, contract modifications, even payment term modifications that may simply result from a phone call or hand shake. Indeed, sometimes legal departments are deliberately kept out of the loop on some contracts (but you didn’t hear it from us!).

In short, each organisation is going to want to tailor how they manage contracts (and even different business units within an organization will want to customize their process). What this means is that the inherent complexity of the contract process and its management actually works against very complex, very big solutions that promise to “integrate” with all kinds of other enterprise-level solutions.

What makes more sense is a product that does a core function very well, includes sensible configuration and offers searchability and access control to cover a huge range of uses and purposes. To see what we really mean by core functions and configuration you’re more than welcome to register for a free trial of nView contract management software

Free Matter and Contract Management Systems and Software Australia: Definition of a Contract

A contract is a written or oral legally-binding agreement between the parties identified in the agreement to fulfill the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement. A prerequisite requirement for the enforcement of a contract, amongst other things, is the condition that the parties to the contract accept the terms of the claimed contract. Historically, this was most commonly achieved through signature or performance, but in many jurisdictions - especially with the advance of electronic commerce - the forms of acceptance have expanded to include various forms of electronic signature.

Contracts can be of many types, e.g. sales contracts (including leases), purchasing contracts, partnership agreements, trade agreements, and intellectual property agreements.

  • A sales contract is a contract between a company (the seller) and a customer where the company agrees to sell products and/or services and the customer in return is obligated to pay for the product/services bought.
  • A purchasing contract is a contract between a company (the buyer) and a supplier who is promising to sell products and/or services within agreed terms and conditions. The company (buyer) in return is obligated to acknowledge the goods / or service and pay for liability created.
  • A partnership agreement may be a contract which formally establishes the terms of a partnership between two legal entities such that they regard each other as 'partners' in a commercial arrangement. However, such expressions may also be merely a means to reflect the desire of the contracting parties to act 'as if' both are in a partnership with common goals. Therefore, it might not be the common law arrangement of a partnership which by definition creates fiduciary duties and which also has 'joint and several' liabilities.

Contract Management Software and Systems Australia recommends using a Contract Management System to manage your Contracts and Agreements such as nView Contract Cloud. Nview makes it easy to get a Contract management system started in Australia, [...]


Defining Free Matter and Contract Management and Contract Administration: a Contract Manager Perspective

Free Contract management or contract administration in Australia like in other jurisdictions is the management of contracts made with customers, vendors, partners, or employees. The personnel involved in contract administration are required to negotiate, support and manage effective contracts. Contract management includes negotiating the terms and conditions in contracts and ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions, as well as documenting and agreeing on any changes or amendments that may arise during its implementation or execution. It can be summarized as the process of systematically and efficiently managing contract creation, execution, and analysis for the purpose of maximizing financial and operational performance and minimizing risk.......

Commonly managed commercial contracts may include employment letters, sales, purchases and utility contracts. More complex contracts are often necessary for construction projects, goods or services that are highly regulated, goods or services with detailed technical specifications, intellectual property (IP) agreements, and international trade.

An Aberdeen study has found that for "42% of enterprises...the top driver for improvements in the management of contracts is the pressure to better assess and mitigate risks" and additionally "nearly 65% of enterprises report that contract lifecycle management (CLM) and use of a Contract Management System (CMS) has improved performance by reducing exposure to financial and legal risk." .......


Contract Management Systems in Australia can be expensive to purchase and establish but this does not need to be the case. Contract Management Software and Systems like nView are available immediately in the Cloud and provide a high level of Trust and security for your contracts.


Legal, Procurement, Sales, Business Development, Professionals and Executives are starting to see and agree that there are many advantages to using a Contract Management System in Australia [...]

Free Matter and Contract Management Systems Australia: A Legal Contract Management Perspective

Contract Management Australia suggests that your legal department is frustrated because they spend a lot of time and effort on negotiating favourable terms and conditions for your organisation, but there is a disconnect between signing the contract and ongoing
management of these terms and conditions. The commercial side of the business is not managing the agreed terms effectively or holding suppliers to negotiated rates. The whole contract lifecycle
needs to be managed better

Free Matter and Contract Management Systems Australia: Defining Contract Management Software

Contract Management Australia defines Contracts Software; A software application with which to manage contracts. It is a tool used by contract managers to assist them in the day to day administration tasks in Contract Management. Having Contract Management Software to deal with the more mundane tasks allows them to focus on the real business and purpose of contract management, which is people and relationships. Software for contract management [...]


Free Matter and Contract Management Systems Australia: Project & Contract Management in Australia


Project planning, including business cases, and risk management stages require detailed business processes. In Australia as with the rest of the world, you need a contract lifecycle management system that can automate these processes for you, providing corporate wide consistency of organisational best practice, accountability and auditability of your contract management and contract administration [...]

Free Matter and Contract Management Systems Australia: Procurement Contract and Project  Management in Australia

Procurement Project planning and implementation, including templates for tenders, RFX, RFP, evaluations, award, and contract drafting and execution require
following business processes and using standardised corporate templates. In Australia as with the rest of the world, you need a
contract management system that can automate these processes for you, providing consistency of organisational best practice, accountability and auditability of your contract
management and contract administration

Free Matter and Contract Management Systems Australia: Contract Management in Australia, a Local Perspective


Many Australians Legal, Procurement, Sales, Corporate Professionals and Executives seem to be now be asking about contract management and with good reason. After all, we spend so much time, effort and money negotiating agreements, the least we should do is manage contracts better.

If you look at many contract lifecycle management systems and software a lot of them claim to be able to deliver on ROI but their cost of implementation is just too high. To get real ROI the nview contract management system is the only one that provided the functionality that we needed with easy and cost effective delivery for real ROI in our complex business. More to come


Free Matter and Contract Management Systems Australia: Legal Matter and Contract Management in Australia


When you look at many contract management systems and software a lot of them claim to be able to deliver Legal Matter Management and Contract Management but they are often too complex or not bale to be configured the way the Corporate Legal Counsel wants. To simplify implementation and get real ROI the nview matter management and contract management system is the only one that provided the configuration options for functionality that we needed with easy and cost effective delivery for real ROI in our complex business. Read more soon [...]


Free Matter and Contract Management Systems and Software in Australia